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31 Journal Prompts for October (and Halloween!)

Writer's picture: Sabina AktherSabina Akther

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

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Halloween is more than just pumpkins and costumes - it's an opportunity to connect with your intuition, get in touch with the magic that surrounds us daily - but of which we're often unaware - and spend time reflecting on people who have left us, either physically or through the ending of a relationship. Historically, Halloween is a time to celebrate the "lifting of the veil." The boundaries between our everyday world, and the supernatural world, are thinner, and we are able to see into the future, into the unknown, and connect with the other side. If you'd like to explore this side of Halloween further, check out our free Lifting the Veil activity, which includes two free printables: an activity guide to experience "lifting the veil" with a friend or a group, and an individual activity guide and reflection notebook. Halloween is also, traditionally, a time when we share and celebrate stories of the dead. I have given three interpretations on how we can think about "stories of the dead" beyond memories of those who have passed on, and you can find those here. These 30 Journal Prompts give you a provocative and intriguing, yet simple question to write about each day of the month for October, and can be used throughout October, and/or as a way to create your own Halloween ritual, as the activity for a Halloween party, or a practice to share with friends around the holiday. I've organized them into clusters based on topic. That way you can easily find the types of prompts that resonate with you the most. While it can sometimes be hard to know what to journal about, these journaling prompts should make it easy and fun to build a reflective practice that supports your intuition and clarity this Halloween. Some of these questions are pulled directly from our Card Decks. When this is the case, we've included a link to the deck this lovely question was pulled from. Just FYI, here are our current Card Decks:

Let us know in the comments which was your favorite, and Happy Halloween!

Intution & Lifting the Veil

  • How are you blocking your own intuition? What are you getting out of doing this?

  • What helps you to feel connected to your own intuition? What do you feel blocks you from your own intuition?

  • Think of a question you have about the future, and hold it in your mind. You already know the answer - say it out loud. Towards what within it do you have resistance? What do you want to do about this? Inner Sight Card, Clarity Deck

  • How can you tell when you are receiving intuitive information? What are your signs that this is happening?

Halloween Memories

  • What do you enjoy about Halloween? Why?

  • What don’t you like about Halloween? Why?

  • What is a childhood memory of Halloween that you have? What is the moment you remember? What meaning does this memory hold for you?

  • What is an adolescent memory of Halloween that you have? What is the moment you remember? What meaning does this memory hold for you?

  • What is a memory of Halloween that you have from young adulthood? What is the moment you remember? What meaning does this memory hold for you?

  • What is your favorite part of late autumn?

Mystical Magical You

  • In what area of life do you move with magic - meaning, where are you able to make things happen with a flow and intuitive ease that others don’t possess?

  • Think of someone, or something, you have had to let go of or lose. What has this experience of loss taught you that you wouldn’t - couldn’t - have learned in any other way? How can you live into these lessons and experience their positive impact? Lessons Card, Loss Deck

  • What about you is mystical?

  • Think of a situation that has been top of mind the past few weeks. How are you trying to crawl into an old version of this situation that no longer fits, and is no longer relevant? What needs to happen to get you to fully inhabit the new version of this situation? New Skin Card, Clarity Deck

  • What is your relationship with nature like right now? What do you appreciate about this, and what would you like to change?

  • What about the Witch archetype resonates with you? What doesn’t resonate with you? What does this teach you about yourself?

  • You are receiving strong messages from someone. How is what they’re saying uniquely connected to who they are, and what they’re all about? Do you respect and admire their choices and behaviors, or not? Consider the source of these messages as you evaluate them and decide how you want to relate to and learn from them in this moment. Consider the Source Card, Clarity Deck

The Other Side

  • If you could connect with one person who has passed away, who would it be What would you do together, or say to them?

  • Are there supernatural forces you used to believe in and no longer do? What caused your belief to end? Are there supernatural forces you didn’t believe in, but you do now? What caused your belief to appear?

  • When do you feel most at touch with the “other side”? What allows this connection to happen, and what prevents it? What are your feelings about this connection - do you like it, dislike it, crave it, avoid it, etc?

  • Halloween invites us to consider our connection to the magical intricacies of nature. Think about the role animals play in your everyday life - whether they’re family, friends, or food. What can they teach you about what you are, and are not, centering in your daily life? What do you want to do with these lessons? Animals Card, Clarity Deck

  • How would your life be different if you could access the “other side” more often and more easily?

  • What are your beliefs about ghosts? Where do these beliefs come from? How have these beliefs changed over time?

Stories of the Dead

  • What stories are you carrying around that someone told you about yourself long ago?

  • What rules are you following that you don't care about or really believe in any more? Rebel Card from the Clarity Deck

  • What stories do you still tell yourself about people who have left your life, and why they’re gone? How do these stories impact you today? What do you want to do with these stories?

  • Think of someone who has transitioned to the other side. What do you still need to say to the person who’s now gone? How can you release this message from your body, even if they can’t hear it? What will be different once it’s out of you? Release Card, Loss Deck

  • What stories do you tell yourself about parts of your own personality that are passed and gone? How do these stories make you feel? What do you want to do with this information?

  • What makes you feel connected to loved ones who have passed? What makes you feel disconnected from them?

  • When you hear the phrase “stories of the dead,” what immediately comes to mind?

  • Think of someone who is no longer in your life. What do you still need to get from the person who’s now gone? How can you get it for yourself, even in their absence?Longing Card, Loss Deck

  • Halloween is more than just pumpkins and costumes - it's an opportunity to connect with your intuition, get in touch with the magic that surrounds us daily - but of which we're often unaware - and spend time reflecting on people who have left us, either physically or through the ending of a relationship.

  • Historically, Halloween is a time to celebrate the "lifting of the veil." The boundaries between our everyday world, and the supernatural world, are thinner, and we are able to see into the future, into the unknown, and connect with the other side.

  • These 30 Journal Prompts give you a provocative and intriguing, yet simple question to write about each day of the month for October, and can be used throughout October, and/or as a way to create your own Halloween ritual, as the activity for a Halloween party, or a practice to share with friends around the holiday.

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